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Major Risks

Diabetes and high blood pressure are responsible for two thirds of all cases of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). By aggressively managing diabetes and high blood pressure with diet, exercise, and medications, you may be able to prevent kidney failure and help keep as much kidney function as possible. However these are long term diseases that act as a domino effect with other more life threatening illnesses.

However, some of the following are day-to-day habits that seem harmless to us, however these are the most dangerous:

  • Smoking- Smoking increasing risks of cardiovascular disease, Smoking also increases chances of heart attacks and strokes this can progress onto a higher risk of obtaining kidney disease. Smoking is a major killer in all continents and countries but it usually leaves and individual with one or more illnesses that can speed the time of death.
  • Healthy diet- As stated above, eating healthy is a really crucial part of avoiding kidney disease. It is important to get regular checks by a dietician or a nutritionist. Also it is important to follow the nutrition pyramid which indicated the foods the foods that need to be included in our diets and the portions.
  • Alcohol- Drinking alcohol in excessive amounts can cause your blood and cholesterol levels to rise. This can be very toxic for the human body. Sticking to the recommended alcohol limits is the best way to reduce your risk: men and women are advised not to regularly drink more than 14 units a week, spread your drinking over three days or more if you drink as much as 14 units a week, Fourteen units is equivalent to six pints of average-strength beer or 10 small glasses of low-strength wine.
  • At least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity such as cycling or fast walking every week is recommended.
  • Taking too many non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen, or taking them for longer than recommended, can also lead to kidney disease. If painkillers are needed, it is vital to follow the instructions provided with them.

Top Ten Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage

We all know doctors prescribe medications, or drugs, for almost every health problem we have. Although they are important for the treatment of many serious diseases, you should be aware that drugs can also cause side effects with different intensity and severity.

They can harm important organs in our body, especially kidneys as every drug you take must pass through this organ. Although the list of medications which damage our kidneys is long, we give you the top ten of them which cause the greatest damage.

Top Ten Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage

  • Analgesics including the anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, as well as the alternative to aspirin, acetaminophen, especially if taken with ACE inhibitors, and diuretics.
  • Antibiotics including methicillin, ciprofloxacin, sulfonamides, and vancomycin, as they put extra strain on kidneys in the process of elimination from the body. However, this class of drugs are safe as long as taken in a dose adjusted to the level of your kidneys’ function.
  • Heartburn medication of the proton pump inhibitor group, including: lansoprazole (brand name Prevacid), omeprazole (brand name Prilosec), rabeprazol (brand names Aciphex, Rabecid), pantoprazole (brand name Protonix), esomeprazole (brand names Esotrex, Nexium), as well as Milk of Magnesia.
  • COX-2 inhibitors including Celebrex (celecoxib). Valdecoxib (brand name Bextra) and Rofecoxib (brand name Vioxx) are the two COX-2 inhibitors that have been withdrawn from the market because of cardiovascular toxicity. Although created to be safer for the stomach than other NSAIDs, these drugs pose the same risk for kidney damage.
  • Drugs used in the treatment of high blood pressure, like captopril (brand name Capoten).
  • Antiviral drugs including tenofovir and indinavir used in the treatment of HIV, and acyclovir (brand name Zovirax) for herpes infections.
  • Lithium included in the treatment of bipolar disorder.

Most Common Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

  • Anticonvulsants used for treating seizures and other conditions, including trimethadione (brand name Tridione), and phenytoin (brand name Dilantin).
  • Antithyroid drugs including propylthiouracil, and chemo drugs including pamidronate, bevacizumab, interferons, carboplatin, cisplatin, tacrolimus, cyclosporine, mitomycin C, and quinine.
  • Most people don’t notice they have damaged kidneys until they become very sick. Therefore, it’s recommended you do few simple tests to check the function of your kidneys. They include:
  • Check for infection, blood, or protein in your urine by taking a urine sample.
  • Check the levels of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) to see if your kidneys are properly cleaning your blood. You can do this by taking a blood sample.
  • Dr. Abdul Hamid, Member of the Advisory Board at the Global Kidney Foundation

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GKF was founded by those who have gone through the traumatic experience of renal diseases and are aware of the effects it can have on not only the patients but also on their loved ones.

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